Valoración Ponentes (Docentes)
Valoración Ponentes (Docentes)
Beatriz García Carvajal
BeFriends (Asturias)
Mi experiencia como ponente ha sido inmejorable. En un marco inigualable, con todos los medios técnicos que pudiese imaginar a mi alcance, todo resultó sobre ruedas de principio a fin. Ha sido mi primera vez como ponente en FECEI y sin duda repetiría. Quiero dar las gracias a la organización por su esfuerzo y destacar la labor de los voluntarios, que desde mi llegada al Palacio de Festivales en la Gala Fecei Top y al día siguiente al Paraninfo de la Magdalena, hicieron de mi estancia y mi participación un placer. ¡Enhorabuena!
Rebecca Place
British Council
I was thrilled yo be invited to take part in this year’s FECEI event in Santander, and thoroughly impressed with the organisation and turn-out. Chairing the roundtable for Saturday’s opening plenary session meant sharing a discussion with a truly varied group of professionals, and the feedback has been excellent. Thank you for having me!
Boelo van der Pool
Babel Idiomas (Málaga)
Este año ha sido mi segunda vez como ponente en la conferencia de FECEI. Igual que año pasado ha sido una experiencia muy gratificante. Realmente hay un ambiente de querer aprender unos de otros y de compartir experiencias. Es algo que no creo que se vea en muchos gremios. Es un verdadero lujo poder participar en un evento donde vienen profesores de todos los rincones de España y aportar algo útil para sus clases. Y cuando varios días después de tu ponencia te llega un mail de otra parte de España de una profesora que dice que ya ha aplicado en clase de lo que estuviste hablando, sabes que ha merecido la pena. La conferencia FECEI crea un ambiente de cohesión entre competidores, amistad entre adversarios y unas ganas tremendas de buscar siempre lo mejor para nuestro sector.
Beatriz García Carvajal
BeFriends (Asturias)
Mi experiencia como ponente ha sido inmejorable. En un marco inigualable, con todos los medios técnicos que pudiese imaginar a mi alcance, todo resultó sobre ruedas de principio a fin. Ha sido mi primera vez como ponente en FECEI y sin duda repetiría. Quiero dar las gracias a la organización por su esfuerzo y destacar la labor de los voluntarios, que desde mi llegada al Palacio de Festivales en la Gala Fecei Top y al día siguiente al Paraninfo de la Magdalena, hicieron de mi estancia y mi participación un placer. ¡Enhorabuena!
Rebecca Place
British Council
I was thrilled yo be invited to take part in this year’s FECEI event in Santander, and thoroughly impressed with the organisation and turn-out. Chairing the roundtable for Saturday’s opening plenary session meant sharing a discussion with a truly varied group of professionals, and the feedback has been excellent. Thank you for having me!
Boelo van der Pool
Babel Idiomas (Málaga)
Este año ha sido mi segunda vez como ponente en la conferencia de FECEI. Igual que año pasado ha sido una experiencia muy gratificante. Realmente hay un ambiente de querer aprender unos de otros y de compartir experiencias. Es algo que no creo que se vea en muchos gremios. Es un verdadero lujo poder participar en un evento donde vienen profesores de todos los rincones de España y aportar algo útil para sus clases. Y cuando varios días después de tu ponencia te llega un mail de otra parte de España de una profesora que dice que ya ha aplicado en clase de lo que estuviste hablando, sabes que ha merecido la pena. La conferencia FECEI crea un ambiente de cohesión entre competidores, amistad entre adversarios y unas ganas tremendas de buscar siempre lo mejor para nuestro sector.
Lorraine Barrowcliffe
Nessie English (Albacete)
It was an absolute pleasure speaking at the event this year. The venue was amazing as were all of the members of the organizing team who really made me feel part of the FECEI family. Definitely a must in the calendar.
Harry Waters
Yet another brilliantly organised event. It was such a pleasure to be able to connect with people face-to-face again after so long and FECEI absolutely nailed it. It is one of my favourite conferences to speak at in the world and this year was no exception. I loved every minute of the conference. Except the lack of vegan options when it came to food, but that could easily be forgiven. I was nourished in other ways and I always take a banana just in case. Thanks again for a delightful conference everyone and I hope to see you next year
Maja Glock
The English Business (Sevilla)
Para mí lo mejor de ser profesores, es que sabemos que podemos aprender de todos y aprender todo el tiempo. Yo me lancé a dar una charla en FECEI por primera vez en 2017 y sabía que algo podría yo aportar ya que en todas las charlas que he ido yo, he aprendido algo. La conferencia de FECEI es acogedora y muy agradable para una primera vez, y me di cuenta de que muchos compañeros de profesión no tienen mucho apoyo en su escuela y todos estamos deseando de ser inspirados e inspirar, para seguir desarrollándonos como profesores. Piensa en algo que se te da bien, algo que tus alumnos les encantan y compártelo con todos. Para mí se trata de eso, de compartir, que es muy bonito.
Lorraine Barrowcliffe
Nessie English (Albacete)
It was an absolute pleasure speaking at the event this year. The venue was amazing as were all of the members of the organizing team who really made me feel part of the FECEI family. Definitely a must in the calendar.
Harry Waters
Yet another brilliantly organised event. It was such a pleasure to be able to connect with people face-to-face again after so long and FECEI absolutely nailed it. It is one of my favourite conferences to speak at in the world and this year was no exception. I loved every minute of the conference. Except the lack of vegan options when it came to food, but that could easily be forgiven. I was nourished in other ways and I always take a banana just in case. Thanks again for a delightful conference everyone and I hope to see you next year
Maja Glock
The English Business (Sevilla)
Para mí lo mejor de ser profesores, es que sabemos que podemos aprender de todos y aprender todo el tiempo. Yo me lancé a dar una charla en FECEI por primera vez en 2017 y sabía que algo podría yo aportar ya que en todas las charlas que he ido yo, he aprendido algo. La conferencia de FECEI es acogedora y muy agradable para una primera vez, y me di cuenta de que muchos compañeros de profesión no tienen mucho apoyo en su escuela y todos estamos deseando de ser inspirados e inspirar, para seguir desarrollándonos como profesores. Piensa en algo que se te da bien, algo que tus alumnos les encantan y compártelo con todos. Para mí se trata de eso, de compartir, que es muy bonito.
Lindsay Warwick
It was a fun and useful conference. Great to have choice in the sessions, but not so overwhelming that you can’t decide what to see! I saw some great sessions and appreciated everyone who came to mine. It’s lovely that everyone is willing to pair up and participate in sessions throughout the day. Congratulations to all the organisers on putting together such a productive event.
Ian Deans
Deans Creative English School
This was my third «attempt» at presenting at FECEI! I have to say that, once again, I had a brilliant time with the teachers who came along to the session: sharing tips, introducing activities and generally making a fool of ourselves! What´s more, the room and the equipment (a new shiny IWB) were just great and I even got the flip chart that I had previously requested! I sense that the teachers give up their Saturdays to attend FECEI, arrive with a thirst for knowledge, a real desire to improve and, what´s more, they want to play! I also had a great day catching up with other folk and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the other speakers. A big thanks to everyone involved with organising the conference!
Harry Waters
Another wonderful year at FECEI. A real pleasure to share ideas with so many like minded people. The focus and drive towards a sustainable conference were fantastic. Everything ran incredibly smoothly and I’d like to thank everyone for organizing the event so well and a big thanks to everyone who came along. Especially those returning after last year’s talk. I hope to see you all again next year.
Lindsay Warwick
It was a fun and useful conference. Great to have choice in the sessions, but not so overwhelming that you can’t decide what to see! I saw some great sessions and appreciated everyone who came to mine. It’s lovely that everyone is willing to pair up and participate in sessions throughout the day. Congratulations to all the organisers on putting together such a productive event.
Ian Deans
Deans Creative English School
This was my third «attempt» at presenting at FECEI! I have to say that, once again, I had a brilliant time with the teachers who came along to the session: sharing tips, introducing activities and generally making a fool of ourselves! What´s more, the room and the equipment (a new shiny IWB) were just great and I even got the flip chart that I had previously requested! I sense that the teachers give up their Saturdays to attend FECEI, arrive with a thirst for knowledge, a real desire to improve and, what´s more, they want to play! I also had a great day catching up with other folk and thoroughly enjoyed listening to the other speakers. A big thanks to everyone involved with organising the conference!
Harry Waters
Another wonderful year at FECEI. A real pleasure to share ideas with so many like minded people. The focus and drive towards a sustainable conference were fantastic. Everything ran incredibly smoothly and I’d like to thank everyone for organizing the event so well and a big thanks to everyone who came along. Especially those returning after last year’s talk. I hope to see you all again next year.
Ana Pérez Romero
TEB Idiomas (Sevilla)
I spoke at the FECEI national conference in Madrid last February for the first time and I absolutely enjoyed the experience. Both the organisers and the attendees were lovely and they made it very easy for me to give my talk. Big thanks to my room coordinator who was not only helpful but also very kind to me. I’m really looking forward to speaking at FECEI again.
Teresa Betswick
Active Language
It’s always a pleasure to go to the FECEI conference in Madrid. As well as a trip to the big city and the chance to catch up with ELT buddies from around the country, I always come back buzzing with ideas. It’s a well-organised conference and the fact that it attracts around 200 participants means that it doesn’t feel overly crowded during the breaks, giving you the opportunity to chat to other people with ease.
Victoria Peña
Cambridge Assessment English
The venue was very convenient as everything was very close and the rooms were a suitable size. It was very handy to have someone in the room to help and monitor time. The support received with instructions and relevant information for speakers has been amazing. Thank you very much to Annie and congratulations on her hard work. Also, having an app has made finding information about the event much easier. Participating as a speaker has been a very motivating experience. Also having the opportunity to talk to other colleagues and to listen to their ideas has been inspiring. Thank you for making this possible
Ana Pérez Romero
TEB Idiomas (Sevilla)
I spoke at the FECEI national conference in Madrid last February for the first time and I absolutely enjoyed the experience. Both the organisers and the attendees were lovely and they made it very easy for me to give my talk. Big thanks to my room coordinator who was not only helpful but also very kind to me. I’m really looking forward to speaking at FECEI again.
Teresa Betswick
Active Language
It’s always a pleasure to go to the FECEI conference in Madrid. As well as a trip to the big city and the chance to catch up with ELT buddies from around the country, I always come back buzzing with ideas. It’s a well-organised conference and the fact that it attracts around 200 participants means that it doesn’t feel overly crowded during the breaks, giving you the opportunity to chat to other people with ease.
Victoria Peña
Cambridge Assessment English
The venue was very convenient as everything was very close and the rooms were a suitable size. It was very handy to have someone in the room to help and monitor time. The support received with instructions and relevant information for speakers has been amazing. Thank you very much to Annie and congratulations on her hard work. Also, having an app has made finding information about the event much easier. Participating as a speaker has been a very motivating experience. Also having the opportunity to talk to other colleagues and to listen to their ideas has been inspiring. Thank you for making this possible