Valoración Patrocinadores
Valoración Patrocinadores
Yanina Parada
Anglia Examinations
Nos gustaría agradecer a FECEI por organizar este fantástico evento. Ha sido un placer para Anglia Examinations ser parte de la Conferencia de este año. La combinación de conocer gente de forma presencial, así como virtual, ha sido estupenda. Muchas gracias al personal de FECEI por haber estado en contacto con nosotros siempre que lo hemos necesitado. Creemos fehacientemente en la importancia de patrocinar este tipo de eventos y sin duda alguna seguiremos haciéndolo en futuras ediciones de la Conferencia. Deseamos también extender nuestro agradecimiento a los participantes por visitar nuestro stand, tanto física como presencialmente
Robin Gravina
LanguageCert would like to send its sincere congratulations to FECEI for the organisation of the 2022 (Re)unidos por los idiomas ¡Hablemos el futuro! conference in Santander. Furthermore, the organisation of the 2022 FECEI TOP Awards, together with the innovative presentations delivered, showed us what an incredible team is behind FECEI which has made it possible for us to meet and reunite again after two years of connecting digitally; giving us the opportunity to come together and find solutions to enhance English language learning and certification. The past two years have been extremely difficult for the private language school sector. However, FECEI is not only at the forefront of defending the rights of its members but is also involved in developing life-changing projects, such as the wonderful initiative Linguistic Generosity Programme (Plan de Generosidad Lingüística). We are committed to supporting FECEI and it is always a pleasure to collaborate with this talented team of professionals. For me, deciding that I had stuff I wanted to say which might be interesting to share with my peers was the first step. After actually working as a manager for umpteen years, deciding which things I wanted to extract from my experiences or viewpoints wasn’t so easy! I had to collate stuff into a 45-minute slot in a way that would hopefully be participative and of interest: that actually took me weeks as I did a lot of background reading to support theories. Then there are those horrible few hours before the talk actually happens.. nerves, nerves, nerves! But … what a buzz afterwards! Relief, satisfaction and even a small pat on my own back , probably similar to the endorphin rush after finishing a marathon!
Manuel Vidal
Trinity College London
Trinity College London believes that effective communicative and performance skills are life enhancing, know no boundaries and should be within reach of us all. We exist to promote and foster the best possible communicative and performance skills through assessment, content and training which is innovative, personal, and authentic. For this reason, we are proud to support FECEI and its members in their objective of maintaining and improving industry standards for language schools in Spain, stimulating interest in best practice, quality control and, particularly, innovation. Our relationship with FECEI is a practical example of Trinity’s adherence to its mission statement above.
Yanina Parada
Anglia Examinations
Nos gustaría agradecer a FECEI por organizar este fantástico evento. Ha sido un placer para Anglia Examinations ser parte de la Conferencia de este año. La combinación de conocer gente de forma presencial, así como virtual, ha sido estupenda. Muchas gracias al personal de FECEI por haber estado en contacto con nosotros siempre que lo hemos necesitado. Creemos fehacientemente en la importancia de patrocinar este tipo de eventos y sin duda alguna seguiremos haciéndolo en futuras ediciones de la Conferencia. Deseamos también extender nuestro agradecimiento a los participantes por visitar nuestro stand, tanto física como presencialmente
Robin Gravina
LanguageCert would like to send its sincere congratulations to FECEI for the organisation of the 2022 (Re)unidos por los idiomas ¡Hablemos el futuro! conference in Santander. Furthermore, the organisation of the 2022 FECEI TOP Awards, together with the innovative presentations delivered, showed us what an incredible team is behind FECEI which has made it possible for us to meet and reunite again after two years of connecting digitally; giving us the opportunity to come together and find solutions to enhance English language learning and certification. The past two years have been extremely difficult for the private language school sector. However, FECEI is not only at the forefront of defending the rights of its members but is also involved in developing life-changing projects, such as the wonderful initiative Linguistic Generosity Programme (Plan de Generosidad Lingüística). We are committed to supporting FECEI and it is always a pleasure to collaborate with this talented team of professionals. For me, deciding that I had stuff I wanted to say which might be interesting to share with my peers was the first step. After actually working as a manager for umpteen years, deciding which things I wanted to extract from my experiences or viewpoints wasn’t so easy! I had to collate stuff into a 45-minute slot in a way that would hopefully be participative and of interest: that actually took me weeks as I did a lot of background reading to support theories. Then there are those horrible few hours before the talk actually happens.. nerves, nerves, nerves! But … what a buzz afterwards! Relief, satisfaction and even a small pat on my own back , probably similar to the endorphin rush after finishing a marathon!
Manuel Vidal
Trinity College London
Trinity College London believes that effective communicative and performance skills are life enhancing, know no boundaries and should be within reach of us all. We exist to promote and foster the best possible communicative and performance skills through assessment, content and training which is innovative, personal, and authentic. For this reason, we are proud to support FECEI and its members in their objective of maintaining and improving industry standards for language schools in Spain, stimulating interest in best practice, quality control and, particularly, innovation. Our relationship with FECEI is a practical example of Trinity’s adherence to its mission statement above.
Charo Vega
Muchas gracias por la organización de tan maravillosos eventos, tanto la ceremonia de entrega de premios como el congreso. La organización me pareció excelente. Me llevo el acercamiento con los integrantes de FECEI, la retroalimentación con los asociados y la alegría de compartir tan buenos y gratos momentos entre amigos. Además de disfrutar del honor y privilegio de entregar y recibir un premio.
Sandra Roney
Pearson Education
Para Pearson ha sido un verdadero placer asistir y colaborar activamente en los Congresos Anuales de FECEI celebrados a principios de año en Madrid. El Congreso es un punto de encuentro para centenares de profesionales del sector, dónde se tratan temas de interés y de actualidad en lo que se refiere a la enseñanza de idiomas. Pearson, como editorial líder en la enseñanza del Inglés, encuentra muy interesante asistir para tener la oportunidad de charlar con los profesores y directores de centros que asisten al evento. También es una ocasión perfecta para presentar las nuevas publicaciones que lanzamos al mercado, así como para facilitar formación de calidad sobre temas de interés educativo y las últimas tendencias metodológicas.
Maite Mulet
TEC Idiomes
Participar como patrocinadores en congresos a nivel nacional, en este caso, el Congreso de FECEI ha sido, por parte TEC Idiomas, agencia asesora y organizadora de cursos lingüísticos en el extranjero, miembro de ASEPROCE, una apuesta que nos ha sido de gran ayuda para aproximar y dar a conocer nuestros servicios a este gran colectivo especializado de centros de idiomas a nivel nacional, tanto a los profesores como a los propietarios de los centros asociados, colectivo con gran implicación y motivativación en el mundo de la formación de idiomas que se dan cita en este congreso nacional organizado por FECEI cada año.
Charo Vega
Muchas gracias por la organización de tan maravillosos eventos, tanto la ceremonia de entrega de premios como el congreso. La organización me pareció excelente. Me llevo el acercamiento con los integrantes de FECEI, la retroalimentación con los asociados y la alegría de compartir tan buenos y gratos momentos entre amigos. Además de disfrutar del honor y privilegio de entregar y recibir un premio.
Sandra Roney
Pearson Education
Para Pearson ha sido un verdadero placer asistir y colaborar activamente en los Congresos Anuales de FECEI celebrados a principios de año en Madrid. El Congreso es un punto de encuentro para centenares de profesionales del sector, dónde se tratan temas de interés y de actualidad en lo que se refiere a la enseñanza de idiomas. Pearson, como editorial líder en la enseñanza del Inglés, encuentra muy interesante asistir para tener la oportunidad de charlar con los profesores y directores de centros que asisten al evento. También es una ocasión perfecta para presentar las nuevas publicaciones que lanzamos al mercado, así como para facilitar formación de calidad sobre temas de interés educativo y las últimas tendencias metodológicas.
Maite Mulet
TEC Idiomes
Participar como patrocinadores en congresos a nivel nacional, en este caso, el Congreso de FECEI ha sido, por parte TEC Idiomas, agencia asesora y organizadora de cursos lingüísticos en el extranjero, miembro de ASEPROCE, una apuesta que nos ha sido de gran ayuda para aproximar y dar a conocer nuestros servicios a este gran colectivo especializado de centros de idiomas a nivel nacional, tanto a los profesores como a los propietarios de los centros asociados, colectivo con gran implicación y motivativación en el mundo de la formación de idiomas que se dan cita en este congreso nacional organizado por FECEI cada año.
Chris Foreman
Edebé - Express Publishing
This was our first year attending the annual FECEI conference, and after our having now seen first hand the scale of the event we will be sure to return in future years. All attendees at this year’s FECEI showed great enthusiasm for the talks on offer, the commercial stands and ELT generally. The stellar organization of the day really served to make everything smooth so that teachers had plenty of time to come and visit the sponsors. What we especially liked about the event was the emphasis on the needs of attendees; by offering talks for both teachers AND business owners meant that it was beneficial for those companies and publishers which sponsor the event because it meant we had the opportunity to speak to teachers about the materials, but then we could also speak to the person responsible for the academy. It was a great day for generating meaningful contacts, all of whom have a clear passion for English language teaching.
Chris Foreman
Edebé - Express Publishing
This was our first year attending the annual FECEI conference, and after our having now seen first hand the scale of the event we will be sure to return in future years. All attendees at this year’s FECEI showed great enthusiasm for the talks on offer, the commercial stands and ELT generally. The stellar organization of the day really served to make everything smooth so that teachers had plenty of time to come and visit the sponsors. What we especially liked about the event was the emphasis on the needs of attendees; by offering talks for both teachers AND business owners meant that it was beneficial for those companies and publishers which sponsor the event because it meant we had the opportunity to speak to teachers about the materials, but then we could also speak to the person responsible for the academy. It was a great day for generating meaningful contacts, all of whom have a clear passion for English language teaching.